Life Transitions
Are you facing a life transition that's reshaping how you think?
Are you starting college next year?
Are you struggling with college?
Have you recently gone through a divorce?
Are you searching for a new job?
These are all life transitions that occur throughout our lives, prompting changes in how we think, feel, and adapt.
Life transitions can encompass a wide range of experiences, such as changing schools, relocating, switching jobs, starting, or ending relationships, becoming a parent, or launching a business. Counseling can help you when you experience a life transition.
If you have a child who is transitioning from junior high to high school, they often experience stress related to social acceptance. Young teens wonder if they will be ok and if their peers will like them. Teens also struggle with anxiety when they are developing their identity within the school setting. Seeking counseling for your teenager begins a process of creating a sense of self-worth, self-confidence, and trust.
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College is a significant life transition.
The first year of college is also a particularly stressful time for people. College presents an unfamiliar environment for a first-year student. The environment is new, adapting to roommates, dorms and managing their own daily schedules is all new for a first-year student. Counseling can help them alleviate their anxiety and provide objective support until they feel secure.
Counseling can offer valuable support when you are feeling anticipation, confusion, or uncertainty about these new circumstances, whether expected or unexpected.
Entering a new relationship or getting married is a life transition. Relationship transitions involve new expectations of yourself and your family. Sharing holidays with new family and friends can all be a new experience for you. While this transition may be positive overall, it can carry stress and uncertainty. You may feel you cannot be yourself and unsure how to fit in. Discussing your concerns in counseling can be a healthy first step in getting started in a new relationship.
Divorce is a life changing transition.
Divorce is one of the most challenging life transitions to endure.
Whether you initiated the divorce, or it was initiated by your partner, it marks a significant change in your life. The uncertainty of what comes next can lead to anxiety, depression, and feeling overwhelmed.
I have counseled many people through the phases of a relationship ending. While feelings of being lost and confused will lessen over time, seeking counseling is the beginning of understanding and healing. Together, we will walk the path to recovery, learning to take one step at a time and finding meaning along the way.
Life transitions inherently bring stress.
There are many types of life transitions we experience throughout our lives.
One common life transition is changing jobs. Job changes are challenging because they involve not only trying to figure out what to do next and assessing your capabilities. You may ask yourself what you can do well and what would you enjoy doing eight hours a day, five days a week?
Throughout the years of counseling clients, I have found many think they could excel in various jobs but are unsure what they would truly enjoy.
A counseling technique of coaching to learn more about your natural abilities, strengths, and goals for yourself can be effective in helping you move to the next phase of your job search. Every person has unique qualities, and understanding your value can enable you to perform effectively in a job environment. Whether learning your personality type or career classification inventory based on your natural skillset, counseling can help you move forward.
Counseling helps you develop strategies to manage stress and anxiety. It helps you stay resilient and positive. I listen and support you, offering tools to help you with self-care to manage change effectively. Counseling also provides you with accountability support, encouraging you to set goals that foster self-awareness and action.
This eclectic approach allows me to provide a client-centered experience tailored to your needs. Understanding your thinking patterns and how you process information is key to navigating life transitions. Clients often wonder if counseling involves lying on a couch discussing Sigmund Freud’s ideas; it does not. Counseling is a partnership where we work collaboratively.
Some Additional Questions You May Have
How do I know if I have experienced a life transition?
A life transition involves a change in job, lifestyle, or the need to make a major adjustment in how you live your daily life. If you are trying to figure out what to do now then you have experienced a life transition. They are not labeled good or bad, just as changes.
Why do I feel alone if I have experienced a life transition?
A life change can impact you individually, or if you have family or a network of friends, it's possible others are experiencing the transition alongside you. Not all stress is bad; sometimes, it can present opportunities for self-growth.
What is life transition therapy?
Life transition therapy helps you adapt to changes by teaching skills and coping mechanisms that assist in navigating transitions in your life or supporting someone close to you.
Next Steps
Briefly discussing your past experiences helps me understand who you are and how past experiences may influence your current situation. However, this knowledge is just one piece of information. Our past experiences are significant, but we can make choices today. Together, we can find coping & healing solutions to a better you. Contact me directly at 317-891-5793 or by reaching out today!